News | Berghof Group

Total commitment for the good cause

June 20, 2023

It is the positive energy and the will to get better every day that unites and characterizes the Berghof team. This is precisely why Berghof's latest idea has also fallen on fertile ground: the "Moving Forward" Challenge.

Even the Roman poet Juvenal knew: A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. The Berghof Team is the best proof: At all national and international locations, many team members slip into their sports gear in their free time or keep body and mind fit with other activities.

This is certainly one of the reasons why the Berghof Team has so enthusiastically welcomed successful professional cyclist Franziska Brauße as a "Moving Forward" ambassador. And why Berghof's latest "Moving Forward" idea has met with full approval.

Because in the "Moving Forward" Challenge, everyone from the Berghof team who has registered for the Challenge has recorded their activities over a period of six weeks via the "Teamfit" app on their cell phone.

However, this challenge was not just something for enthusiastic athletes. Because employees could earn points with any physical and mental activity that does them good mentally and physically. From a leisurely walk to a relaxing yoga session to a sweaty workout – there has been an activity to suit everyone's taste, because points could also be earned with everyday tasks such as housework or gardening.

Even though the various divisions of the Berghof Group have competed with each other as individual teams during the "Moving Forward" Challenge and there will be an award ceremony at the end for the three best teams at the "Berghof Oktoberfest" at the end of September 2023 - the actual drive to collect as many points as possible was a common goal for which all people at Berghof traditionally like to stand up for: the good cause.

The focus was therefore not on the sporting competition between the various teams, but rather on the Olympic idea: being there is everything - because every step and every minute of activity have counted toward the total number of points. The common goal: at least 5 million points.

Because then Berghof will donate 2,000 euros as a reward for the efforts to a charitable organization, which will be chosen by the most successful team – well noted, in addition to the donations with which the group of companies traditionally support various organizations at Christmas.

From day one, the Berghof team worked hard and collected points every day. True to the motto: Total commitment for the good cause.

Therefore the Berghof team has also mastered this task together with flying colors and exceeded the target by a clear margin: almost 7,5 million points is the final score of the "Moving Forward" Challenge. Thus Berghof will donate even 2,400 euros.

The most important details at a glance:
136 participants
More thean 5,000 hours overall activity
Almost 12,000 completed units