Innovation Days

Innovative today – hazardous waste tomorrow

March 15, 2017

Finding adequate options for meeting the future challenges of recycling and waste management requires two things: in-depth expert knowledge and a network of experts from every phase of the materials cycle. A successful and inspiring start for this form of collaboration was made on July 6, 2016 as part of the Berghof Innovation Days.

Berghof Analytics brought customers, construction materials manufacturers, architects, engineers, recycling companies and waste disposal companies together in Tübingen to jointly analyze the sustainability of construction materials currently in use today.

Renowned experts such as graduate engineer Ralf Nowak (WEAG GmbH & Co. KG), Dr. Wolfgang Störkle, (Schwörer Haus KG) and graduate construction engineer Thomas Schatz (Berghof Analytik und Umweltengineering GmbH) spoke on various aspects of new construction materials and products and offered a comprehensive overview of construction materials analytics, hazardous materials in buildings and selective demolition.  

The symposium focused on possibilities for disposing of construction materials that are already in use today. The presentations were underscored by an illustrative exhibition featuring samples of construction waste, allowing the participants to evaluate adequate options for managing these materials with the help of concrete examples.

The participants drew up a first outline for further successful and environmentally sound cooperation between all stakeholder groups.

Berghof Analytics specializes in materials sampling from the fields of pharmaceuticals and environmental analysis as a basis for sound decisions concerning continued utilization, recycling, landfilling and waste management.

Berghof Environmental Engineering is the specialist for evaluating, decontaminating and revitalizing large areas as well as building and industrial complexes (environmental due diligence).